- 10 August 2021
- Sarah Clarke
- Business Growth
Why FiguringOutData
Given what we do, the name of our company is easy to explain. We help businesses to ‘figure out’ their data – how to put their data to work to help the business grow.
This takes about 10 seconds to say which is helpful when in a crowded room and likely to have someone’s attention for 15 seconds at the most.
But there are implications arising from this description that take a little longer to explain.
Businesses ‘figuring out’ their data implies they do this for themselves. We show them how to go about it, perhaps build a platform to make things easier – but we don’t do it for them.
Businesses therefore build lasting strengths from within and the foundation for a culture centred upon regular and innovative use of data to solve problems, dodge obstacles, spot opportunities and then make the most of them.
‘Figuring out’ also means the people who know the business best becoming highly data literate and able to direct efforts to put data to work in areas of the business where the greatest opportunities lie.
Too much emphasis is given to newcomers to the business (e.g. Apprentices) being the solution to the analytics skills deficit carried by a great many of the UK’s small to medium sized enterprises.
Smart use of data requires leadership, which implies the direct involvement of those in a leadership role. Lasting strengths will be built if those who understand the business also understand how data can help to unlock value and, therefore, where newcomers’ skills can be applied for greatest effect.
This is, of course, more easily said than done.
An example of what we do involves providing client organisations with a jump-start to their efforts to use data, followed by a longer period of coaching and support.
The jump-start takes the form of diagnosis to understand the drivers for growth within the business – e.g. where resources are most effectively deployed, what they do, and how effective they are.
This is followed by bespoke workshops that combine training, with using data to help deploy the drivers for growth more often and to greatest effect.
Delegates therefore develop analytics skills that are immediately relevant to the future prosperity of the business. They return to the workplace ready and equipped to keep going. They will also have experience and skills that form the foundation for further learning.
On-going coaching and support involves advice and guidance about the on-going use of data, and direction towards the most relevant learning resources to help take them forward.
This will be a mix of our own resources and those provided through government supported skills development schemes e.g. the Skills For Jobs initiative.
That being said, there are a great many boulders on the runway threatening to prevent lift off.
Thorny issues such as the absence of meaningful data, systems with a limited capability for analysis, the need for time consuming effort to bring things into shape, all need to be addressed without delay. If they are not, momentum can easily dissipate.
We can therefore step in to get things sorted, taking every opportunity to transfer our skills along the way.
Finally, the term ‘Figuring out’ also suggests an involvement with figures. Given the involvement of data, this, of course, can be assumed.
But the term is intended to allude to the opportunities yielded by Data Science to really put figures to work to help transform a business.
Advanced data analytics skills are becoming increasingly relevant for even the smallest of businesses e.g. in applying principles that underpin Artificial Intelligence to find optimum ways of working.
If the appetite is there to put these skills to work, with our help, figures will come into their own, with ‘figuring out’ becoming a skillset for everyone in the business.
When this happens, the culture centred upon regular and innovative use of data will become widespread and deep seated. That’s when the business will really leave the runway and fly.
Paul Clarke
FiguringOutData.com Ltd
Tel: +44 333 301 0302
We help organisations to develop platforms for business intelligence and data analytics that you can trust.
If you would like to know more about how we can be of help please use the contact details above or complete the form below.